
«Zainskiy Sugar»

AGROSILA's sugar factory is implementing several environmental projects at once. At Zainskiy Sugar JSC, equipment for dewatering sewage sludge has been installed. It allows sludge to be transported to the fields of agricultural companies directly from the factory, whereas only water will be discharged to the filtration fields.

On the territory of the filtration fields, 2,400 tree saplings - 1,400 spruces and 1,000 oaks - have been planted by the Holding's specialists. In addition, a suspension of Chlorella algae was added to the water placed in the filtration field maps. 800 liters of suspension are intended for cleaning.

Specialists at Zainskiy Sugar are testing a method of spraying an odour-neutralizing solution with Organic AER preparation. This is accomplished by a veil of spray solution that shields against the spread of odour. In addition, Darsan-N biocide, a hydrogen sulphide and mercaptan neutralizer, was used to reduce wastewater odour. According to the results of tests at the factory laboratory, the preparation worked at low concentrations. After application to filtration fields, the odour has been significantly reduced.

Production control of the air condition within the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone of the Zainskiy Sugar filtration fields is carried out on a quarterly basis. Apart from the above-mentioned environmental projects, the AGROSILA sugar factory has been operating a radial sump for a number of years. With its introduction, it has been possible to reduce the amount of water discharged into the filtration fields and hence the intake of river water for washing and transporting the beet. Similarly, the cooling pond has positive results. It handles the incoming water completely and cools it down to the right parameters. The introduction of a cooling pond has completely stopped the discharge of waste water into the Buguldinka river.

«Chelny-Broiler» and «Tukayevsky Plemreproductor»

AGROSILA is preparing to build production sites for composting poultry manure, which serves as the basis for high-quality organic fertilizer. Chelny-Broiler LLC and Tukayevsky Plemreproduktor LLC produce more than 100,000 tons of litter manure, and fertilizer based on it significantly improves soil quality on the fields and increases the yield of all crops cultivated by the holding company.

AGROSILA specialists have chosen the composting method, which is an aerobic (with oxygen access) biothermal process. This is how organic waste is naturally decontaminated by thermophilic bacteria, which become active when oxygen is present. AGROSILA environmentalists are now also working on obtaining a waste management license and, in the near future, a certificate that will allow the final product to be sold.

The fertilizer will be enriched with useful additives if necessary. All stages of the production process will be monitored, and the main proof of the product's readiness will be a report on the compliance of all indicators with regulatory requirements, namely nutritional value and the presence of pathogenic microflora. The project also includes an area for temporary storage of finished products.

Soil treatment that increases the iodine content of crops

AGROSILA, in collaboration with the Institute of Ecology and Nature Management at Kazan Federal University, has patented a method of soil treatment that increases iodine content in crops. Crops fertilized in this way will further increase the number of functional foods on shop shelves, as outlined in the Russian Federation's 2030 science and technology strategy.

The experts chose pyrolysis technology - the oxygen-free oxidation of organic biomass from chicken manure - pyrolytic char. Various pyrolytic char modification technologies, in particular nitrogen enrichment, are used all over the world. But they are generally suitable for pyrolytic char made from carbonaceous biomass such as straw or wood. In agriculture, plants not only need potassium and phosphorous, but also nitrogen, which is why the technology for producing pyrolytic char from poultry manure was developed. After testing the nitrogen modification, the experts concluded that it had no particular effect on the crop, but to modify pyrolytic char with iodine would be relevant for the region. Today there is already a patent, a triad of experiments - laboratory, field and production - have been carried out, and the results show that if iodine is added as part of pyrolytic char, it accumulates well in the green mass of crops, plants and even reaches the grain. The first experimental field fertilized with the innovative method is 100 hectares of one of the Zainskiy Sugar's agricultural companies.
Agrosila SERVIS